Today we’d like to introduce you to Sarah Zick.
Sarah, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
I started this business in 2016 when my boys were 2 and 4 years old.
The only ambitions I ever really had in life were to be a wife and mother. I put motherhood up on a pedestal and was devastated when it didn’t turn out to be lullabies, sunshine, and snuggles but instead deep depression, crippling anxiety, and exhaustion. It was all I ever wanted but then I couldn’t escape it once I was in it, like a bad dream. I was drowning every day with my babies. I felt so angry and defeated.
Picking up my camera for the first few months of 2016 helped me view my kids and even the world in a different way. Everything looked different through the viewfinder. I could focus on the positive in a moment and leave the rest out of my composition. I could open my aperture wide to focus on Bradley’s giggle or Jason’s Ocean eyes and leave the dirty floors and laundry to blur away from reality. I fell in love with photography during one of the darkest seasons of my life.
I made a lot of changes around the time I started 8:28 Photography. I sought out professional help for my depression and anxiety. I found an amazing church that helped develop my relationship with Jesus. I cut my hair into a pixie, and I was ready to take on the world. I was ready to hustle, and boy did I ever hustle.
8:28 Photography provided me an escape from the prison of motherhood; it helped me discover and develop my identity. It still does. Working helped me appreciate my family more and taking care of my family helped me appreciate the opportunity to work outside of the home more. This business provides me purpose and legacy, not to mention I can contribute to our family’s mortgage. It keeps me from being an introverted house-hermit. It brings me such joy- my clients’ children bring me SUCH joy! It keeps me physically active and motivates me to stay in shape and get stronger. I’m really so proud of this business I’ve built and the skillset I’ve developed.
But my boys aren’t 2 and 4 anymore. They’re 8 and almost 10. And I’m quickly realizing exactly how much time I have before they are actual teenagers- teenagers that are too cool to want to spend time with their parents. With all the struggles we encountered during those first few years I was almost happy to see it all go by so fast. Working really made the days fly by. But I’m not ready for them to grow up yet. I don’t want the days to fly by anymore.
My goals no longer include “hustle and grind.” I don’t want to work 70-hour weeks anymore to escape the reality of home life. I actually want to contribute my energy into my home and family, as well as my business. This business has given me the gift of wanting to be with my family.
My goal for the future is balance. Every day I get just a little bit closer to finding that perfect balance, and every day I become a better mother, wife, photographer, and business owner.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way? Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
Balancing all of my responsibilities! Accepting the concept that I can’t do everything at 100% and not feeling guilty or feeling like a failure as a result.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
I am a photographer that photographs newborns and maternity portraiture exclusively. I started in 2016 photographing those specialties along with family, kids, milestone, cake smash, and some senior work so I feel that gave me a great base to work from after specializing because I still photograph so many families and siblings with newborn and maternity. I think that is one piece that sets me apart – I’m able to get natural, real smiles and expressions with my families. It’s extremely important to me that my families feel comfortable and have fun during the process, and I will do anything I need to do to get that result- even if I need to clown it up and sing!
On the technical side- something that sets me apart is my editing/retouching. I call myself an OCD editor and tend to spend entirely too long making my images perfect. But I can’t imagine doing it any other way.
I’m super proud that the vast majority of my clients come from referrals. Being recommended by someone to their loved ones is pretty much the best compliment to receive.
Is there anyone you’d like to thank or give credit to?
First and foremost- my husband, Joe. I literally could not run this business without him. I call him my business manager. He takes care of all the “boring stuff” aka finances, taxes, insurance, bills, business licensing. But he is so much more than a business manager. He has been my biggest cheerleader from day 1. He has rearranged his schedule countless times to make sure our children are taken care of during my sessions. I’ve gotten nothing but support with every lens purchase, education investment, addition to my prop collection, and business decision. He finds the positive when I can’t. He motivates me to keep going when I need it, and he encourages me to slow down and rest when I’m facing burnout. He never hesitates to remind me exactly how far I’ve come, and what a successful business I’ve created. And he refuses to take any credit.
My Aunt Dotti – also a photographer and amazing creative mind. She always inspired me and encouraged me to pick up my camera. She also provided a safe place for me to open up about mental health and helped me understand that getting help was nothing to be ashamed or afraid of.
My mother-in-law, Joyce, and father-in-law, Andy – for buying me my very first DSLR camera for Christmas in 2015. It was a Canon Rebel 5T, and it was the spark that lit the photography flame for me. I learned all the basics with that camera, and I’ll always keep it for my boys if they become interested in the art of photography.
My girlfriends- Stephanie, Katie, and Kristin. Always there to support me, always SO proud. They share my business with anyone who will listen.
The rest of my family- my mom, my brothers, my sister-in-law Sarah, and brother-in-law, Dan. Always liking and commenting and keep my page active on social media!
Last, but not least- my clients over the years, of course! Like I mentioned, the majority of my clients are referrals. Clients have spread the word on my business more than I could have ever dreamed! I can’t express how much that means to me.
Contact Info:
- Email: Sarah@8-28photography.com
- Website: www.8-28photography.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/8.28photography/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/828Photos
Image Credits
8:28 Photography