Today we’d like to introduce you to Mary Rathke.
Mary, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
I was born in Traverse City and adopted when I was 5 years old by the couple who cared for me since I was 2 days old. It was an open adoption so I grew up seeing the struggles my birth mother had and recognizing how fortunate I was to be raised in small town, in a stable home. As a teen, I excelled in school, social clubs, church life, and work. My dream was to go to college, become a teacher and change the world. Instead, I got married and only attended school part-time. Two years later I had my first child. A 1lb 8oz premature boy named Matthew. Instead of changing the world, he became my world. After having my second child, I opened a daycare and assumed my teaching goal would be accomplished by teaching preschoolers, instead of high schoolers… However, after some big life changes, I ended up remarried and living in Bay City, MI, with no teaching plans in sight. My husband Todd is a dentist and for the first time, I had the privilege of being free from the demands of work. Unable to sit still I began volunteering. I had two more children and settled into life in a big city but found I was not content… I had the ability to change the world of four little ones… but would mothering these four lives be enough to change the world?
Soon I heard about the Good Samaritan Rescue Mission… During a radio show, I heard how the Mission had rescued a mom who was homeless and sleeping in a porta-potty at a local park. I remember that moment so vividly. I took my kids to that local park regularly and I wouldn’t let them use the porta potty there, which I considered gross… This is where my life had led me. From a baby born to a mom in need, to being a mom who didn’t even see the needy right in her own town. Changing the world in a real and tangible way began. Not only did I support the Mission with a donation, I also took a tour. The tour was the final key to opening my eyes to the need. I saw a brown-haired, brown-eyed girl at a drinking foundation and in that moment realized that could have been me.
I knew right then and there that I had to do something. I am convinced that people want to help those in need but they don’t know how. So, I needed to tell the world about the Good Samaritan Rescue Mission and the all the ways they could help. So, I created an event called the “Amazing Race for Rescue.” I secured business sponsors, registered hundreds of people for the event and raised over $100,000 over 10 years through Race for Rescue and Samaritan Survivor event. Hundreds of people toured and learned about the Mission, as the road rally type event based on the tv show the “Amazing Race,” included a stop at the Mission and a highlight at the Finish Line Festivities. The Survivor event was a 48-hour homelessness experience that also raised money and awareness
During this time, I not only raised money and awareness for those in need, I began volunteering in the Mission’s chapel, and taught parenting classes. I heard the stories of those in need. I listened to them, cried with them, and prayed with them. I got into the world of those in need, the world I officially left when I was 5 years old. But here I was- an adult, helping, teaching and ready to change the world. I saw family after family, and individual after individual who were in desperate need. They were stuck in survival mode. I learned about all the ways Bay City helps, and about all the ways it doesn’t. I attended community meetings to learn more, I even went back to school, this time on-line and with a counseling focus. Not only was I a wife and mom but now I was in the trenches- hearing, encouraging and looking for more ways to help those in need. Hoping I was helping them change their world.
Ultimately, after watching people come back to the Mission again and again, I knew I had to do something bigger to help change the world of those in need here in Bay City. While the vast number of non-profits here in Bay City are helping so many, in so many ways, there were still gaps. Needs that people had that still needed to be addressed. To address the gaps Bay City needed more. For five years I dreamt of opening a place that helped people so they would not become homeless and need the services of the Mission. A place that helped after they left the Mission so they would not end up back in survival mode again. During that time, I not only talked to everyone I meant about why they should support the Mission, and why they should participate in the Amazing Race for Rescue but I also began telling them about the need for a Dream Center in Bay City, MI. There are over 200 dream centers across the USA, addressing the unique needs of their area. I realized I needed to open one to address Bay City’s unique needs. My heart was fully committed to opening a place that would help those in need get to a place beyond simple survival mode and into dream mode. My life did not always go as I had planned, but it would always lead me back to place where I was dreaming of tomorrow. Along the way people began to commit, give and join the effort. Soon I had a Board of Directors and a 501c3 established with the goal of helping those in need by creating a Dream Center.
Creating something new, raising money to buy a building, creating new programs, and develop a defined focus is not as easy as one would think. If you have 20 people who want to help those in need, then you will have 50 different visions of how that should be accomplished. In the end, leading not teaching is the skill I would need to help those in need dream again. Leading those who wanted to help, but didn’t know exactly how.
Through a series of miracles, God interventions and a lot of support from my husband the Great Lakes Dream Center opened in Sept 2018. Our goal is to help the whole person body, soul, and spirit, dream again. We do this in a variety of ways. We are intentional not to recreate the wheel but rather direct those in need to services already established throughout Bay City.
We have been open for almost five years, I have never taken a paycheck, and have no plans to. Even though I have been at the center every day for weeks on end, even though I have been there until 2 or 3 in the morning many nights. Even though I have had the Dream Center phone with me 24/7 ringing with those in need desperate for help. Even though I spent so much time there helping those in crisis during the first few months of Covid shut down. —During Covid to address needs we had two weekly drive through giveaways, these were scheduled for months on end. We handed out toilet paper, masks, food and much more. During that time, we had hundreds of families come through with all kinds of needs and struggles.
Soon we realized we needed staff. Volunteers helping me was not enough to meet all of the needs, and I couldn’t continue with 60+ hour each week working to change the world. But all of this cost’s money, so I ended climbed on the roof of the Dream Center to experienced homeless for three nights in November of 2021. Not only did I raise money and awareness of those who are homeless and in the elements during Michigan’s winter months. I survived only on items we give out to those in need: coats, blankets, couches and much more. During that adventure it rained on me two of the nights and snowed the final night. Yet I reached the fundraising and awareness goals and I loved every minute of it!
In my forties I have finished my bachelor’s degree in Christian Counseling, and my masters in Biblical Studies. However, my dreaming has not stopped and my goal is to finish with a doctorate in Theology. At the Dream Center we help those in need with help for their Body, Soul and Spirit. So having these degrees have been very helpful while talking to someone in crisis mode.
I found through years the needs of someone in survival mode are not just a material. People who are struggling emotionally with their soul or spiritually can’t change their life when resources come to their hand. To truly change their world, you must address the whole person.
The Great Lakes Dream Center has helped thousands of people. We have handed out car seats, beds, diapers, and so much more. Today we have over 350 people coming through the doors each week. They come in for material help during our open hours and receive items from the Practical Needs Pantry. They receive emotional help and attend NA, AA, and support through a variety of groups who use our building. They receive spiritual help by attending our weekly Community Worship services, bible studies and pastoral counseling.
You would think that I would be content with all that we have accomplished. But I am not. We can do so much more. I am very satisfied with the many supporters, staff and volunteers who followed a stay-at-home mom, who was born in a desperate situation- on this journey, but we can do even more. We will change the world in bigger and better ways. We will help those in need dream again! To accomplish this I will lead, help and teach when necessary but above all I will dream of all the ways we can change the world!
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Life is never smooth! Some of the biggest obstacles I have faced have been the people along the way who have told me I would fail. Some think my ideas, visions are too big. The first time it happened was when I told some friends I would create and organize the Amazing Race for Rescue, I was told a stay-at-home mom who had never done anything that big would fail. But it was super successful the first year. We filled the registration limit the first night we opened registration.
Again, when I said we would add Samaritan Survivor a 48-hr. homelessness competition based on CBS’ Survivor to the events I organized for the Mission, I was told it was impossible, yet we raised over $10,000 and had over 300 people at the Final Tribal Council Pig Roast, they all raised money and learned about the homeless shelter.
Of course, I was told I couldn’t create a Dream Center, and people said I was all talk. But yet it was created. To this day I have extended family member who won’t come and tour.
Some people say everyone should believe that when I set my mind to something I will see it through to the end. But even my husband doubted I would stay on the roof for three nights in the winter for Rooftop Survivor…. but I did.
Some might not see these as challenges, however to me the lack of confidence or the attitude in some cases that I shouldn’t, bothers me and hurts more than the lack of money, resources or help. I care what my loved ones think and just like everyone else I need to know people believe that my life’s work is valid, important, should be done and matters. Not only do I need to raise funds, get help but I need to remind myself not to listen to the negative voices. Helping others is worth the risk of failure…
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know?
We are a unique faith-based community center. We offer weekly Community Worship Serices, but we are more than a typical church. Our goal is not for everyone who comes to be a member or to even believe the same way we do. Our goal is to demonstrate love, take the time to listen, and help them body, soul or spirit. We point people in the right direction of established services to help them and we are willing to go out and raise money to help fill the gaps when we see a need and know there is no place to send them. Offering a worship service only address one part of a person- their spiritual side. Many people have a crushed spirit. Maybe they were raised and told God is mad at them because they did something wrong, and they deserve punishment, we remind them God loves them, He wants to see them blessed and we love them too. We recognize everyone we encounter desires love and care, no matter what. (Abraham Maslow’s third level in the hierarchy of needs.)
Sometimes that means delivering items to the person recently out of prison, with a tether. Sometimes it means giving a ride home to the adult who just wet their pants. Or sometimes it is creating more work for our staff so a disabled person can come in, to volunteer, which helps them feel validated and important-because they are important and their volunteer work is valid, no matter how much work it creates us. We will make sure they have that opportunity!
People make mistakes and places that shame or distance themselves from those who do not seem worthy or convenient are not really helping the most vulnerable. They are helping those who fit in their box. In many cases our volunteers or staff cannot handle every situation, but I am willing to figure it out. As I figure out a way to help who don’t always make it easy to love them (counseling with those under the influence or repeatedly dealing with the same crisis over and over again can be hard….) In the end, love wins. Love dictates how we respond. When we put the coats and blankets outside people say, what about those who will steal them or don’t need them… my response is what about the people who do need them? What about those who will never admit they need help, who will never step a foot in here, they deserve our love too…What if nine out of ten get the help they need. I will provide ten coats even at the cost of one so nine people can be helped… and yes, those who steal need our love too and I will try my best to provide enough for all of them.
After seeing how easy it is to love people, our volunteers grow. I had one gentleman begin volunteering in his 60’s, he admitted he didn’t think some of the people who came through our doors deserved the help we gave them, but “since Pastor Mary loves them so will I.” That day he realized we help because we love, not because they deserve it, he grew bigger in his heart. That day a volunteer got the most help we had to give, and the best help we can offer! The capacity to love!
We not only help spiritually and materially but emotionally too. People need to know they are not alone. By opening our doors to the multiple recovery and support groups we are providing a place to connect people in similar situations. This is hard- our building costs have double. Double to heat or cool building, double the water usage. We have had to hire a janitor because large groups are in the building nightly- sometimes making messes bigger than our volunteers can handle… But I am willing to forgo a paycheck so we can hire the staff who are able to keep our doors open. When you invite other organizations in to use your building to help people, you admit you cannot help every situation, you acknowledge and valid the importance of their work. You are admitting the needs in your community and your inability to address it all. You are loving them in the best way, by directing them to the best help they can receive.
What matters most to you? Why?
At the end of every day what matters most is people. In the midst of raising money, dealing with an old building, or dealing with conflict to help those people, you sometimes forget that. But it really is about the individual in front of you. Can I train you to help so I can go raise money to train more people… yes, I can. But I can never forget the why… We are not here to make money, or sell a product or create a following… we are here to make sure the pregnant mom has a car seat to take her baby home in. We are here to make sure you get a bed for your grandchildren whom the cps workers just dropped off. We are here to make sure you have emergency food you can eat while living in a tent until the next big community food giveaway. We are here to listen to your paranoid delusions that scare you when you are drunk. We are here to give you a ride to a community service because it’s the only time during the week you are not alone. We are here so you can donate your wife’s coats and boots because you can’t bring yourself to throwing them away. We are here to help you with paperwork because you “don’t read very well.’ We are here to help you get your identification paperwork because you don’t drive and your family won’t help you. We are here to pray with you because you are scared and need someone to listen and care. We are here to help you clean up your yard because the city is about to fine you… We are here to help people because they matter. All of them!
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Image Credits
Nichol Krupp