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Meet Gerald Turner (aka Tim Black) of Reel Quality Films

Today we’d like to introduce you to Gerald Turner (aka Tim Black)

Hi Gerald, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
Well I can recall filming and editing my first music video in the late 2000’s. I had been recording music and wanted a music video for myself. I purchased a Sony camcorder and used Magix Movie Maker to edit. I’ve always been computer savvy so it wasn’t hard to understand the logic of editing. After filming and editing my first video I knew that I had a gift. There were a lot of videographers 100x better than I was at the time so I put the camera down, stuck to writing and recording music and left the timing and editing to them. Fast forward to 2020, a family member of mine, Leonard Harden asked if I could help film a wedding/reception. Of course I was all in. At the time I had a Canon Rebel T3i which was better than the Sony I started with and Leonard had several Canon cameras as well. We filmed and edited the ceremony and days later he called me and said “G, I think we’re on to something.” I agreed, went to Best Buy and upgraded my equipment, he did the same and it’s been busy ever since. To date the film resume includes Music Videos, Birthday Parties, Weddings, Branding Videos, Interviews, and a Short Film. Speaking of short film, there’s one in production titled Ready For Love and will be released fall 2024.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Just like anything in life you have your ups and down. You have days where filming goes perfect. No issues with cameras, lighting or artist. On the other hand it can be a nightmare. For example the first short film title Doves Cry, we had to film the whole project over due to issues with audio and lighting. I was frustrated but I took it as a learning lesson.

As you know, we’re big fans of Reel Quality Films . For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about the brand?
Reel Quality Films is a film company based in the Metropolitan Detroit area. As I mentioned previously, we specialize in videography including music videos, birthday celebrations, branding and film.
What sets Reel Quality Films apart from others is quality. We want everything to look perfect to the client and nothing goes on YouTube or anywhere else without the approval of the client.
The most I’m proud of is the consistence over the past 4 years. There are days I just want to film just because. I’m still a hip hop artist at heart so some days if I’m not doing anything and I want to film a promotional video to one of my songs I’ll just do it and edit it the next day to upload to YouTube and other social media platforms.
I would like for the reader to know that Reel Quality Films will produce a quality product with a price that’s affordable to the client.

How do you define success?
Success can mean different things to different people, but generally, it involves achieving a desired goal or outcome.
For example, when our first short film was completed I felt accomplished since this was a first.. I felt like the goal that was set was accomplished. Now I’ve done several music videos and I feel like I can do those with my eyes closed but this was a bigger challenge and it was accomplished. Also it’s an awesome feeling when peers and strangers love your work. Even better when strangers become clients.

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