Today we’d like to introduce you to Heather Hall
Hi Heather, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
I learned at a young age that we can’t always control what happens in our life, but we can choose how we react and respond. But I didn’t truly embrace this power of choice until I was on the cusp of adulthood. I was diagnosed at 21 with osteosarcoma, a form of bone cancer. Treatment included 13 months of aggressive chemotherapy (all in-patient hospital) and a surgery to replace my lower femur/upper tibia with titanium). I was bald for 15 months, on crutches for seven months and learned to walk again. Maybe it was the gift of youth, but I knew deep in my soul that I loved living and helping people so I promised myself that I would embrace every day and create a life focused on helping others.
Less than a year after I was diagnosed, my dad was diagnosed with late-stage multiple myeloma. He died six years later. An amazing and caring man, my sisters and I had a close relationship with him. His death was devastating to us.
Going through all of this was difficult. And it didn’t help that we live in a society that more and more tends to lean into negativity, complaining and judgement. It’s easy to get pulled into that cycle, especially if the people in your orbit engage in this. But the constant negativity can ultimately impact our mental, emotional and physical health and all areas of our life. I became very aware the impact negativity could have on my own health. After fighting to be healthy and knowing every day is a gift, protecting my overall health from outside negativity became a priority.
This doesn’t mean that I don’t acknowledge and sit with heavier emotions, like sadness, grief, frustration and others. The beauty of being human is we have the capacity to feel it all. I choose to sit with those emotions when they arise. But I also choose not to get stuck in them. Knowing I have that power of choice is so impactful for me. Especially when there is so much that I can’t control in life.
During bone cancer treatment, I began using “Today I Choose” as a mantra in my life. But it wasn’t until I yet again heard ‘it’s cancer’ that the power of choice really stuck with me.
When I cleared breast cancer in 2019, it was shocking, heart-shattering, sad. In the first few weeks, I often sat on my bed staring out the window, feeling lost and anxious. But then one day, I realized that I could continue to focus on those feelings and the days could drag by. Or I could seek out and choose joy in each day no matter what else I faced.
So I began asking myself “What am I choosing today?” And I would respond with “Today I choose….” joy, resilience, courage, balance, patience, whatever I wanted to focus on that day. It was my theme for the day. And that soon became my daily mantra through treatment. And it continues today.
I learned that our thoughts impact our outlook and actions in life. In fact, research supports this. Changing my attitude helped make the days brighter. Knowing I get to choose what/who gets my focus and I choose how I react to things opened the door to more ease in my life. Choosing to focus on the positive shifted my perspective to embrace living.
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020, I was only a few months out of breast cancer treatment. I also was living alone so had to find activities to keep me motivated. Thankfully, I enjoy solo activities like reading, biking, crafts, writing and more. But I still felt the impact of isolation and the emotions of what humanity was facing. When I began seeing the hard impact on my family and friends’ mental health, I started sharing the Today I Choose mantra on social media, my blog ( and elsewhere. People said it was super helpful.
So I decided to bring that mantra and optimism to others! I created affirmation cards that all start with “Today I Choose” and include a phrase or emotion on each card, such as “Hope – The whisper of hope lightens the dark and moves us toward something new and good” and “Compassion – I offer kindness and care to myself and others.”
Because I find power in writing, I also created an accompanying journal and launched my online store My “I AM” affirmation card deck recently launched – these type of affirmation statements are incredibly supportive in reinforcing positive beliefs about ourselves. I’ve added clothing, mugs and more. And I love that many people buy my products as gifts for others! It’s so rewarding to know that people are using my motivational products to give joy and kindness to another person. That’s my ultimate goal – to help make the world a better place for all. I believe that positive change begins with one person. I love seeing someone choose to be that one.
I also took that Today I Choose mantra and expanded the theme into my keynote talks, workshops, yoga practice/teaching and other services. I’m proud to share that a portion of sales from the Today I Choose store support a cancer-related charity.
The reality is that most of us will face some challenges in our lifetime. How we face those challenges can define our outlook and life. I believe so strongly in the power of choice. And I want to encourage others to understand they have a choice in so much.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Creating the Today I Choose products honestly started as a distraction during COVID so, initially, I wasn’t thinking much about long term marketing and growth. But now, as I grow my communications, speaking and coaching services, I can identify many ways to include these products into my other businesses.
There is a lot of growth potential with the products and overall store. So the next step for me is working on a plan to better integrate the affirmation products into my other services. The Today I Choose theme ties into many of my speaking and workshop themes (centered around the power of choice) so it makes sense to include some products into these packages, as well as coaching and other services.
But growing a business takes time and energy. I tend to throw myself into many different activities and projects at once because so much interests and excites me! It can be great, however, can also eventually tire me out, and with my health history, I am very protective of my energy and health. So I need to take time to reflect on what future success looks like. More products? Additional services, workshops, retreats tying into Today I Choose? Lots of possibilities!
I initially was managing all aspects of the store myself – the website, orders, shipping, marketing and more. I brought my niece on board as my marketing intern. She’s been awesome at helping with packaging and other tasks. It’s been fun engaging her in my business – I love working with her and her ideas and enthusiasm are welcome!
Great, so let’s talk business. Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
We can’t always control what happens in life, but we can CHOOSE how we react and respond. The idea of having the power of choice to create a life we love is the foundation for my Today I Choose products and services.
My Today I Choose products help people embrace that power of choice. These products were created to inspire people to choose an attitude and mindset to live their best life! From affirmation card decks to journals to clothing and more, the intention is help people start to create new habits of focusing on good thoughts and outcomes.
I’m proud of the positive impact these products are having on people using them. In a society that tends to lean into negativity and judgement, so many people tell me that my Today I Choose and I AM affirmation card decks truly make them feel inspired. Pulling a card helps them start their day with positivity and ease. That fills my heart with joy! My mission is to help make the world a better place for all and I believe that positive change begins with ONE PERSON. So if I can be that one person to motivate others to then choose to be that person and so on…..I can’t wait to see a happier world for all.
We love surprises, fun facts and unexpected stories. Is there something you can share that might surprise us?
I was a very shy child/teen with social anxiety. My hesitation to get any attention helped me develop a talent of stepping back and observing. It’s amazing what you can see and learn when you’re not intimately engaged in situations. Some of what I saw included sadness, self-doubt, bullying and other stuff. That motivated me to want to help others feel happier, more confident, heard and supported. Even as a child, I was struck with the idea that helping others feel good about life was something that I wanted to do. And while I was too shy to speak up much at that time, words were my voice.
In time, I became more confident with using my verbal voice. Being diagnosed at 21 motivated me to speak out and begin advocating for positive change in healthcare, discrimination in healthcare against those with pre-existing conditions, and more. I now give keynote speeches and lead workshops on motivation, overcoming challenges, advocacy and more.
But writing is still my strongest and favorite voice. In addition to writing advocacy pieces, magazine articles and more, I also started my blog ( to help people impacted by cancer focus on living beyond cancer, no matter where they are in the journey. This became my soul work. And while my cancer journey ties into much of my work because those experiences shaped my life, I’ve expanded to work with people from all walks of life to encourage them to choose a mindset that helps them improve their well-being and love their life. It comes back to that power of choice that I so believe in – and the foundation for creating my Today I Choose products.
- Today I Choose affirmation cards: $17
- Today I Choose journal: $20
- I AM affirmation cards: $17
- Motivational cards & Journal gift set: starting at $24
Contact Info:
- Website: Store:
- Instagram:
- Other: Blog: