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Daily Inspiration: Meet Andrea Strutz and Dorothy Davenport

Today we’d like to introduce you to Andrea Strutz and Dorothy Davenport.

Andrea Strutz and Dorothy Davenport N/A

Hi Andrea and Dorothy, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today.
Motor City Blend Chorus (MCB) is affiliated with Sweet Adelines International — a 501 C (3) non-profit –which promotes a cappella music in four-part barbershop style throughout the world. This chorus came into existence in 2016 as a result of a consolidation of two Sweet Adeline choruses– the 59 members of the Spirit of Detroit Chorus and the 67 members of the Great Lakes Chorus. The new chorus retained the charter date of the Great Lakes Chorus — August 3, 1959. After this consolation was approved by the Sweet Adelines International Board of Directors, it was incorporated as Motor City Blend Chorus in January of 2017. Currently, there are 88 members that includes some from Ohio and Canada. Membership is open to women of all ages who are singers. 

Our mission is to be dedicated to musical excellence: enthusiastically promoting the joy of barbershop harmony and growing through continuous education, energetic competition, and passionate, entertaining performances. In order to carry out our mission, we contract with music educators, rehearse weekly, participate in regional and international competitions, and perform throughout the community. In October of 2022, MCB was one of 26 choruses in an international competition in Phoenix, Arizona, and our efforts resulted in being 8th place. In April of 2023, MCB was again judged as champions of our Regional Competition, which earned us the right of competing Internationally in the Fall of 2024 in Kansas City, Missouri. 

We all face challenges, but looking back, would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Although MCB is part of an international singing organization formed in 1945 and with more than 15,000 members around the world, it could be considered one of the world’s best-kept. Many of those few who are aware of Sweet Adelines are members and friends of the members. The marketing and promotion of our craft to other parts of our world is an ongoing effort. 

Even though the consolidation of two choruses resulted in a membership of 126, our numbers have declined to 88 for several reasons. Life experiences just as aging, health, economic conditions, and changing jobs and/or geographic locations have made the matter of gaining new members another major ongoing effort. Those life experiences were exasperated by the onset of Covid 19 and the shutdown of public meetings. In the last fiscal year, we had 11 resignations but, fortunately, gained 11 new members – some of them transfers from other Sweet Adeline choruses. Making use of electronic technology has been helpful in attracting the younger population, but this requires understanding that technology and being consistent in its application. 

Economic conditions have affected everyone personally. Our members pay membership dues, and to keep those dues within their means, effort is made to generate income from outside the chorus through performances, ways, and means projects such as flower sales, grants, and sponsorships are also an ongoing effort. Operational expenses and outside service expenses have increased, while financial support from outside the chorus has become more of a challenge to develop. 

There is less discretionary spending available. 

Alright, so before we go, can you talk to us a bit about how people can work with you, collaborate with you, or support you?
Visit website ( for directions regarding donations. Contract for a performance. 

Attend our show in Dearborn at the Ford Community & Performing Arts Center on October 1, 2023 

Request information regarding membership — email 

Suggest ways to gain grants and/or sponsorships. 

Contact Info:

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