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Check Out Samantha Allen’s Story

Today we’d like to introduce you to Samantha Allen

Hi Samantha, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
I started crocheting about 15 years ago when my mom got a crochet book to make an animal purse. I can’t tell you how many times I tried to make this little pig purse and just couldn’t figure it out. All of a sudden, it clicked and I made it. But then I wanted to make different things. I started playing with stitches and was able to make whatever kind of plushie I wanted. Over the years, I would participate in small local craft shows and make a little bit of money. I really just did it for fun. I never thought I could make a business out of it. In December of 2021, I had my daughter. She became 100% of my focus. I was working remotely so I could still be home with my daughter. It was a lot to be working full time and raising a baby. I was also helping take care of my dad after he had a heart transplant in August of 2021. And then I was taking care of both of my parents after my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer in June of 2022. I was constantly taking care of everyone else in my life. One day, my husband asked me if I wanted to start crocheting again. He was wanting me to find something that I could do for myself. I started crocheting some plushies again and was just making things that were fun and made me happy. I started getting quite a few things made and decided to do a small craft show in November of 2022. This show went really well and it got my crochet mojo (crojo) going. I started to get involved in social media and it started to take off rather well. In early 2023, I applied to become a vendor with the Finders Keepers Vintage Market. I was accepted and had my first market scheduled for March. I had been crocheting as much as I could and brought about 165 plushies with me to this market. I was absolutely shocked when we were incredibly busy. There was not a minute that went by that day where I didn’t have several people in my booth. I had a line of people wanting my stuff. We almost sold out. I believe we would have if it didn’t start storming during the market. I decided to open an Etsy shop and that started to do pretty good too. I signed up for another few markets in the spring and they all did just as well. All of a sudden, my tiktok took off and I gained 12.5k followers within a few weeks. I started to do shop updates on my etsy and would sell out within minutes. At one of my markets, a store owner in Grand Rapids asked me to make some plushies for wholesale. Of course I said yes! Shortly after that, I saw an advertisement by Michigan Barnwood and Salvage looking for vendors. I was accepted within a few minutes of sending my application. I couldn’t believe it. I was now selling at markets, on Etsy, and had my plushies in 2 stores. We were growing so fast, it was getting difficult to keep up. I had to take a short break from everything from December of 2023 until this fall due to having complications in my second pregnancy and having my son born via an emergency c-section 8 weeks early. Since then, I have quit my full time job and get to raise my babies and crochet. It took me a while to get back on track but I’m participating in markets again and coming up with even more fun and exciting ideas! I have never been as happy as I am at this point in my life.

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
We definitely had some struggles along the way. It’s really hard to put yourself out there on social media and for people to want to support you. Once you get some momentum on social media, you really need to keep up with it or you’ll lose quite a bit. I had to take about 8 months off after my son was born 8 weeks premature and spent time in the NICU. It was difficult adjusting to life with a 2 year old and and a preemie at home. My husband is also a farmer so from spring until winter, he is very busy. I’m not sure how we made it through all of those tough times but we did and we’re crushing it now. I’m still working on building up my social media. I’d definitely lost that momentum I worked so hard to build but I’m getting it back so hopefully I can keep that going.

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I make handmade crochet plushies using all of my own patterns. I enjoy being extra creative and putting twists on typical patterns. For example, I make a lot of crochet cows but I love making them with different themes. My favorite is probably my monster cookie cow. It’s blue and has parts of it that looks like cookies. Another favorite would be the giant watermelon turtle that I made. We called her Melonie!

We’d love to hear about how you think about risk taking?
Every time I choose to participate in a market I’m taking a risk. The economy is getting rough and it’s hard for people to spend money on not necessary items. I never know how well I will do at any of my markets but I put my all into them every single time. I do my best to create new and exciting products for every show but you never know how well things will go over. It’s especially risky now that this if my full time job. I’m putting every thing I can into growing our small business.

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