Today we’d like to introduce you to Michael Haddad.
Hi Michael, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
In November of 2013, an idea was born, and like some ideas, it happened in a somewhat inglorious way. I had been seated outside on my porch in the blustery cold, thinking of ways to start something. I had heard a quote, “Love what you do and you’ll never work a day in your life.”
It had become a mantra and fed an unstoppable aching drive to make a difference in my life and others. Then, my beard started to itch.
I had come inside and realized that it wasn’t snow on my coat after all. It was dry skin and I hated it. I tried to grow my beard out and every time I did, I’d shave it after a few weeks because of the intolerable beard itch and the dry skin. So, I started doing some research and found out about something called Beard Oil.
It was then we set out on a journey to help men with a nagging and very solvable issue plaguing beards everywhere. We had tried quite a few beard oils and they either smelled too much like medicine or outright didn’t work. So, we took to our task. It was our first step to what led us in forming what is now known as Detroit Grooming Co.
2014 presented every challenge possible. Research and development took much of our time but we wanted to get it right. We blended oil after oil together, kept testing yet kept failing. Scents wouldn’t hold, the oils weren’t right, and negative things started to pile up. In fact, our failures could be measured in height and weight.
Finally, we struck a truly exceptional base blend. One that held scent, was made of amazing plant-based wholesome goodness and made our beards feel like something truly special.
The company began to grow organically and the first 5 orders of our beard oils went to exotic places like California, Florida, and Arizona. The growth was gradual but strong and from those core products, everything else was born. Beard butter, Hair Pomade, Beard Wash, Shampoo, all followed and we started to grow into our name and our brand. Our early customers shaped our growth as word of Detroit Grooming began to spread nationally and internationally.
In early 2016 we hit some rough seas with a former partner and within a few months, we faced a shutdown. Everything we held dear about our brand and the company was in jeopardy. Then something pleasantly unexpected happened. After a trying set of months in midyear, two men showed up on the scene and injected life into what could have been catastrophe. Steve and Victor were men who shared our vision and came from a similar place in regards to pure unbridled passion for this brand. They loved what we stood for and wanted to see the brand reach new and amazing places.
We come from the point of view that men deserve something uniquely theirs. Not just for beards, and not just for shaving, but for all men’s needs in grooming. We’d like you to start and finish your day with us, and we’d love to be on your journey every day. We promise to provide the luxury of quality essentials to care for your everyday needs with products that actually work and don’t have any cheaply made or quirky counterparts. There’s enough of that in the men’s grooming world and we don’t ever want to play that game. We’ll bring you just the good stuff and some quality content that you can actually use every day.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle-free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
Whenever you strike out on your own it is always against the grain. Struggles are a part of the dance and as long as you can accept that you will in fact struggle, then you have already won 90% of the battles you will face. The rest is your willpower to follow the vision and never lose sight of what you set out to do. Let not money or promises of riches or anything in that vain distract you from your mission. Those tend to be short-term gains and will leave you feeling empty and unfulfilled. The path lay before you, just walk it with your head held high and focus on your vision. The world can only slow you down, but rest assured, nothing will stop you.
Appreciate you sharing that. What should we know about Detroit Grooming Co.?
We specialize in men’s grooming products and we handmade 90% of the goods we offer our customers. That handmade feel, the quality ingredients, and a company with a conscience and a soul is what sets us apart from major brands, not to mention our vast offering of products to take care of hair and skin. We are most proud that we have the most incredible and loyal customers who keep coming back for more of what works for them. We are proud to be on their journey and to have them on ours.
Any advice for finding a mentor or networking in general?
Finding a mentor in this business is quite difficult. A lot of folks believe their knowledge is only for them and are reluctant to share to avoid creating their own competition. So, I set out to be a mentor of a sort, myself. Mostly because I know there is abundance in our space. Customers deserve choices, not just what has been thrust upon us for decades. I see it as an opportunity to network and make friends across the full spectrum of men’s grooming and the hair industry. In fact, I have been involved in quite a few companies launching to great success and I love watching them grow and evolve. The lesson here, if you can’t find one learn all you can through experience, and when you’re ready, be one yourself.
Contact Info:
- Email: mhaddad@detroitgrooming.com
- Website: https://detroitgrooming.com/
- Instagram: @detroitgrooming_mike
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/detroitgrooming
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFUykAuE3Q_iQ0WCHSRRsQQ