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Conversations with Bri Mathias

Today we’d like to introduce you to Bri Mathias

Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
I got the idea for Never Lost Designs (my graphic design, web design and photography business) because I love travel and wanted to do something that would allow me to work remotely and create my own schedule. My first backpacking trip through Europe in 2018 really solidified this idea. I was HOOKED on travel at that point, and knew I had to do something to make money other than be a server/bartender like I was. I came back home from Europe (with $200 left to my name) and stumbled upon an online graphic design course and knew I wanted to sign up for it. So I worked hard that summer, saved up the money to buy the course, and never looked back. I’ve always been a creative and artistic person, so that part came naturally to me. It was just the technical stuff I had to figure out, which was just a matter of learning and practice. My job in marketing at Stormcloud Brewing Co. has really helped me to develop my skills in graphic design, web design, and photography. When I was laid off in 2020, I took the opportunity to design my branding kit and website, and officially started Never Lost Designs that summer. It took me a couple years to refine my skills to the point where I was confident taking on clients regularly, and really begin to focus on the business. I can attest to the fact that starting a business in your mid-20s when none of your friends or anyone else you know is doing the same thing is HARD; especially when you have a full time job on top of it. The work/play balance is a tough one to master, even to this day. So yes, it’s taken me years to get to where I am now and I’m still not even close to where I want to be; but that’s half the fun of it – the journey. I know I’ll get there because of how far I’ve already come. You don’t always realize the measure of the strides you’ve made until you turn around and look at where you started.

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
Ha, it’s been the equivalent of a Michigan back road (AKA filled with curves and potholes). Starting a business in my mid-20s with no support system and no one to learn from or ask for advice has honestly been the toughest thing I’ve ever done. The courses I’ve taken and the thousands of Google searches I’ve conducted have been a huge help; but you can’t take a course in discipline, which I would honestly say is the number one thing you need if you’re going to start any sort of business. I still struggle with it to this day. Life is a balancing act as it is! Just add a business venture and you’ve got yourself a full-blown circus.

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I provide businesses with captivating marketing materials to help elevate their brand. In layman’s terms, I create logos, graphics, photos, websites, merchandise, signs, posters, business cards, etc. and make them look unique, cohesive, and absolutely stunning so that people recognize a brand at first glance and develop a trusting relationship with that brand.

Are there any important lessons you’ve learned that you can share with us?
Oh man, just one?… I suppose I would say that the most important thing I’ve learned is that everything is figure-out-able. I dove into this journey knowing very little about design and marketing, and less than nothing about starting & running a business. If my 24 year old self could see my now-30 year old self, she would be absolutely stunned by the knowledge and experience I’ve gained and the fact that I’ve stuck with it despite all the curve balls.


  • My pricing is individualized & totally project-based

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