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Daily Inspiration: Meet Ashley Bader

Today we’d like to introduce you to Ashley Bader

Hi Ashley, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
You can either let the hard moments build you or break you. I chose build. In 2016 after my second son was born my health started to rapidly decline. I was at an all time low. My body was becoming a foreign place to live in. Pain exacerbated every inch of my body and mind, My hair was falling out in clumps, I was putting on weight, hives were my morning wake up call and the thought of having to get out of bed was more exhausting then the action itself. Countless Doctors appointments left me frustrated and overwhelmed as I received the same answer time and time again. “Your labs are within range, Everything is fine.” But I wasn’t fine. In these moments I learned that there would only be one person who would fight for me and the life I deserved to live and that person was me. I researched, studied and found lab tests that were ignored by my doctors at the time and decided to fight like hell to have them ran. Results showed my thyroid antibody levels were well into the thousands and a diagnosis had finally been reached. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto, an auto immune disease that directly effects the thyroid gland; the power house of the body and all its systems. I was relieved, but then yet again disappointed. I was given a prescription and pep talk stating; power through the pain because there is no cure for auto immune disease. I took the pep talk with me that day and used it as my super power as my momentum to figure this out for my future self. No one, including myself deserves to walk around doing life in pain. I refused to settle. I was done with Band-Aids and I was determined to get to the root cause of this disease and why it hit me with such vexation. I started diving in and researching the topic of inflammation and the impact it has on our bodies. With that, I started taking baby steps: a ladder effect if you will and removed inflammatory foods from my diet little by little. This means that over a 4 year period I would give up gluten, dairy , soy, refined sugar, grains, and alcohol. As I removed these foods from my diet I was pleasantly surprised by the results. My once debilitating symptoms were becoming a thing of the past and I began to heal. My antibody levels decreased as I worked towards remission and the inflammation that once housed my body was gone. As I healed from the inside out I lost over 134 pounds and gained a whole new life. Was it hard? yes! was it worth it? yes! We as individuals will always have a hard to choose. I can promise you choosing the easy will never deliver the results that you want or deserve. So go for the hard. My Journey has taught me to stand in my power to realize that we are not in a box. That we can and we will have the life we want and deserve we just have to show up and consistently put in the work. We have to stop competing with the world around us and look inward and compete with the inner voice of who we once were. We have to intentionally and mindfully want to be better then the day before. We compete with ourselves, no one else. For me, I didn’t come this far on my journey to only come this far. I started working out every day using a free app on my phone called fit on they have thousands of workouts at your finger tips which left no room for excuses. We can all find time to dedicate movement to our bodies we just have to gift ourselves that time. We have to recalibrate our mind and inner voice living and constantly reaching for the positives in all that we do. If you live a life where you keep gratitude as the attitude life will gift you abundantly. This journey has now been 7 years for me and boy what a journey this has been. I am beyond passionate and have found my purpose by breathing life back into those who have felt like they are not worthy of more. Giving our youth something to be excited about, teaching them that they can do hard things, they will do hard things and they got this because they are stronger then they know. I believe teaching and coaching not only adults but kids that maneuvering through the comfortable into the uncomfortable is an unforeseen gift as it all leads to growth and that seeing life through a positive lens is an actual super power. Just know that you are not alone in this season of life, that you will never have to be put in a box with everyone else and you deserve to shine and live the life you deserve because you are simply and amazingly you. Be a warrior for you and remember you got this.

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
This continuous journey has not been smooth, there has been so many bumps and road blocks along the way. What this has taught me is that there will always be a hard, especially while maneuvering new uncomfortable habits. We will fall down, we will fail but how we respond to that determines our success. If we do not allow the voice of failure to creep in and hold us back or take the easy road by throwing in the towel, we learn that in actuality failure is a part of success it allows us to learn, grow and become the next best version of ourselves as we navigate through life.

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I am a stay at home mom to 3 beautiful kids! I specialize in bringing out the inner warrior in individuals. Breathing life, passion and purpose into those who have lost their way. Teaching and coaching kids in our community that they are capable of doing hard things because they are strong and can do anything they put their minds to. I am known for a good punch of positivity in all that I do because gratitude is the only attitude! I think my determination and attitude sets me apart from many because I don’t care how many times I fall down, I will always stand back up until I succeed. Failure is not an option, Mindset matters and being different is a gift.

Are there any books, apps, podcasts or blogs that help you do your best?
The Free App Fit On was a game changer for me! It helped me become consistent in moving my body and taught me that showing up when it’s hard is part of the process. I have since started seeing a natural path doctor through Diverse Health Services in Novi Mi. They help with nutritional gaps by providing whole food supplements that keep me on the road to living optimally. The doctors and staff provide the best support system you could ever want or imagine. The best part about them is they not only hear you but trust your intuition when you feel like something is off. You are valued and you are important to them.


  • Coaching consults available upon request

Contact Info:

  • Instagram: @Ashleyrose4687

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